Corps of Cadets

2024 Schedule

Corps of Cadets

Steeped in history & tradition, the GMC Corps of Cadets provides students the ability to pursue their degree within a structured military program that is as challenging as it is rewarding.  Our corps pushes each cadet to become the best version of themselves.

Commandant’s Message

Cadets enrolling in Georgia Military College are afforded at least two significant advantages that their peers in other institutions do not have. First, the cadets have the opportunity to develop their leadership potential and learn, first-hand, the value of teamwork and community that results from living and working together. Second, while the academics develop the cadets’ minds, the cadet organization facilitates the elevation of character.

Our core values are Duty, Honor and Country. We seek every opportunity to develop and refine these values in cadets. We also seek to foster self-discipline and respect for others.

Exemplary performance in these values is rewarded while deficiencies are identified and corrected. The purpose of reward is to encourage both individual and team excellence and the purpose of corrective training or disciplinary action is to improve on character shortcomings.

By enrolling in Georgia Military College, students obligate themselves to obey the rules, regulations, policies, and procedures of the college and conform to the GMC disciplinary system.

I expect all cadets to demonstrate through attitude and behavior that they are honorable people, dedicated to achieving academic excellence, respectful of authority, disciplined, willingly compliant with cadet rules and regulations and Georgia Military College policies and directives, and committed to the success of the cadet-team.

COL Steve Pitt
Commandant of Cadets, Georgia Military College

Academic Excellence.
Since 1879.

We’ve been educating bright minds for well over a century. That’s why a degree from GMC means more than just a great education. It means success.